Day 37 Healthy TikTok Sandwich

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Day 37 Healthy TikTok Sandwich

Day 37 I decided to make a healthy sandwich I saw on TikTok. It looked really tasty and wanted to have a healthy go to food. So I was looking forward to having this sandwich on my quick menu of eats. It took me about 12 minutes for me to create this. I tried it and honestly, "bleh." It was very basic and plain. It looked good on TikTok. I would probably add a stronger cheese like cheddar and some dijon mustard to give it flavor. Even though I was not a fan of it maybe you might like it. I have the recipe below because everyone has different taste and I am not one to keep someone from doing something new. So let me know what you think about it or any changes you made in the comments below.

2-3 eggs
2 slices of bread
Sliced bell peppers
Deli Meat
Garlic Salt


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