Day 42 Random Positivity
Day 42 is a big day for me. My husband encouraged me to do this video. For some reason I get really shy when talking about our business and what it's about. Well here it is. Random Positivity is is about inspiring people to do new things. It has become our mission to get people out of the funk of letting life go by. To inspire others to doing something they've been holding off. To make sure that when you leave this life you're going to know you did what you needed and wanted to do. Life is taken for granted and it's done so easily. We think we have to live a certain way, be who others want us to be, or follow the popular path so we can have all the social "norms" to be accepted by people we don't even like! Excuse my language, but FUCK THAT! Yes I said it. I'm tired of the "yes" man cooperation that you are not supposed to be happy in what you do for a living. This is a new age where technology allows a no namer to film their own piece of art and display it without a huge studio behind them. This is the age of no namer singers being heard throughout social media because you have that much talent. This is the age where walls are torn down and doors are kicked open. Go do something new for your future self. It is your time! It is now!