The Beginning of the 30 in 30 Challenge
Wow, it's interesting. As I sit here thinking about what to write, I'm writing. The infamous "they" always say to start at the beginning. I guess that's as good a place as any. I began this 30 New Things in 30 Days Challenge after resigning from my job. This idea didn't happen right away. Certain circumstances happened at work and I just needed to leave.
Ever since I graduated high school I have always been either working or studying for school. Years later I was reacquainted with my future husband, whom I've been married with now for 8 years. After our wedding it was back to work on Monday. My husband placed his passion on hold and quit coaching to become a security guard, so that I can quit working and focus solely on nursing school. This August will be our 9 year anniversary, and we still haven't gone on an actual honeymoon. With the birth of our daughter, we decided it was best for him to stay home and take care of her. After going over our savings and finances we realized that we saved enough for me to take a month off before starting to look for another job. Being a one income family, we of course had several fears and worries that overcame us. But in light of it all, we knew this was a good decision for the family.
A few days after resigning, I was sitting on the couch watching "The Kitchen" when I saw Sunny Anderson poaching an egg. I thought to myself "I've always wanted to try to do that." Then another thought came in, "why haven't I?" Seriously it just took an egg, simmering water in a pot, and vinegar. I have always had these ingredients readily available to me. So why haven't I done this yet? I realized that I have been wanting to try this for years! Years! That's insane to not have tried it by now. I began thinking about more activities, recipes, traveling ideas that I've always wanted to do but never have. It drove me to create a list of all of it. I never realized how much I wanted to do and see until it was written down on a list. That's when it hit me! I've got 30 days off so I'm going to use it do things I've always wanted to try. Hence the 30 in 30 Challenge was born! Cue the sunlight breaking through the clouds and the heavenly choir sings "aaaahhhh." We decided to go for it and document the events live on Instagram. My husband assists with the camera, while I go through the activity.
I never anticipated to create a blog as part of my something new to try. Initially I had all 30 days planned out, and plans don't always work out. Changes had to be made and this happen to be something I can do today. Even though it's Day 17 of the 30 in 30 Challenge, I will be reflecting back on each day's challenge in this blog starting back at Day 1 where I poached an egg. I hope this inspires you to try something new today.
Day 17 has been completed! Mic drop... BOOM!